Adapted from the Constitution of HKUSTSU
15.1 The Editorial Board shall hold office from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting in the year of their election until conclusion of the Annual General Meeting in the following year.
15.2 The Union shall maintain the Official Publication with the name of ‘WINGS’ in English and in Chinese “振翅” in the initial position of the title. The Official Publication will be published by the Editorial Board and at such intervals as the Editorial Board may determine.
15.3 The functions of Official Publication shall be:
(a) To promote the objects of the Union; and
(b) To provide opportunities for and encourage the free expressions of opinion by students of the University.
15.4 The duties of the Editorial Board shall be:
(a) To maintain an Official Publication of the Union;
(b) To promote literary development among students by means of the Official Publication and other activities;
(c) To submit half-year report to the Council on its activities.
15.5 The Editorial Board shall consist of the following members:
(a) The Editor-in-Chief;
(b) Up to a maximum of two Assistant Editors-in-Chief;
(c) Up to a maximum of four Designers;
(d) The Administrative Officer;
(e) The Marketing Officer;
(f) The Financial Controller; and
(g) Up to a maximum of twelve Feature Editors.
15.6 Members of the Editorial Board shall collectively be responsible for the performance of the duties of the Editorial Board under this Constitution.
15.7 The Official Publication shall carry reports of all official business of the Union, including but not limited to notices of and resolutions passed at General Meeting, announcements in respect of all elections and their results, resolutions passed by the Court, and the budget as approved by the Council.
15.8 In carrying out its functions, the Editorial Board may invite members of the public to become members of the Advisory Board of the Editorial Board. The term of service shall be determined by the Editorial Board.
15.9 The Editorial Board may by resolution delegate its duties to its committees having such composition and terms of reference as may be specified in such resolution, provided that no decision or recommendation of such committee shall have effect unless approved by a further resolution of the Editorial Board.