
The second translated article of Freshmen's Edition is as the follows:

商學院大樓 開學前到此一遊
A Preview of Lee Shau Kee Business Building

Lee Shau Kee Business Building will be put in use next academic year to afford the number of the 4-year-system cohort and alleviate the lack of space in Academic Building, becoming the place Business students pass every day. As it is important, we will be the first to introduce this new Building.


Lee Shau Kee Campus, comprising Lee Shau Kee Business Building, the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) and the IAS Residences, is located at the top of our Clear Water Bay campus and near South Gate. It was first scheduled for completion at the end of 2011, but the schedule was then delayed to the second season in 2012 and the end of that year respectively. The Campus will begin to be in service in the coming academic year starting from this autumn finally.

Disputes in the Referendum regarding "Campus TV"

上年春季學期,僅僅四個月,科大已經熱鬧非常。先有學生事務處(SAO)越權管理學生選舉活動;再有仲裁委員會常設化修憲;接着有同學自組學生事務關注小組,發起聯署及公開論壇,爭取實現「校園共治」。不過,要數歷時最長的,可謂「校園電視公投風波」。科大學生會,一直維持四權分立原則,轄下有約一百個屬會,享高度自治,成就科大多元學生活動。傳媒方面,則有四大架構之一的「編委會」(即本報負責機關)及一屬會「科大電台」。今年五月,有基本會員SUN Kai Man James(下稱孫氏),蒐集超過一百八十名基本會員的聯署,連同長達十三頁的學生會憲章修訂條文,提交幹事會,發動公投,要求成立「校園電視」,並將之列為第五大架構。不過,由於投票票數僅343,不足會員人數18%(即1395 人),修憲議案最終不獲通過。然而,本會估計「校園電視」可能於不久的將來捲土重來,故特別製作此特輯,希望有助各位了解此事的來龍去脈。

UST was already in hustle and bustle within Spring Term last academic year, lasting for only 4 months, experiencing the act of Student Affairs Office (SAO) in excess of terms of reference to regulate student elections first, the amendment of the SU Constitution about building the permanency of the Court then, and the joint signature declaration and the open forum fighting for “co-governance in campus” originated by Students’ Affairs Concern Group formed by students on their own afterwards. The disputes in the Referendum regarding “Campus TV”, however, lasted for the longest period. HKUSTSU, remaining the principle of four separate powers, and its affiliate societies with a high degree of authority, about 100 in total, have contributed to diverse student activities. UST’s media include the Editorial Board (i.e. the body in charge of this Freshman Edition), one of the four bodies of the SU, and People's Campus Radio, an affiliate society. In May this year, a Full Member Sun Kai Man James (stated as Sun hereinafter) proposed a written requisition signed by not less than 180 Full Members with the proposed amendment of the SU Constitution of 13 pages, calling for a Referendum for establishment of “Campus TV” and listing it as the SU’s fifth body, and submitted it to the Executive Committee. Yet, since only 343 votes were casted, less than 18% of the total Full Membership of the Union (1395 persons), the resolution was not carried. However, it is expected that a comeback of “Campus TV” will be made soon possibly. This article is thus written especially for you to understand the event’s development.

 For whom is interested in English version, we are here to provide some articles of Freshmen's Edition about school policy.

HKUSTSU Structure

The Council

The legislature of HKUSTSU, it has the following main duties: to pass any rules or regulations in order to supervise and advice on all sub-organizations of HKUSTSU; to consider and approve the Master Budget of HKUSTSU and applications for affiliation to HKUSTSU; and to interpret the Constitution of HKUSTSU. There are 34 ex-officio seats taken by representatives of each (sub-organization i.e. each) HKUSTSU’s body and affiliated society in the Council, in which at most eight Popularly Elected Councilors are also included to reflect students' opinions. Its five standing
committees, each consisting of its members, i.e. the Affiliated Societies Committee, the Constitution Committee, Election Committee, the Finance Committee and the Council Administration Committee coordinate and handle the relevant affairs.

The Executive Committee

The administrative body of HKUSTSU, it has the following main duties: to handle all routine of HKUSTSU and to represent HKUSTSU externally. As the motion that HKUSTSU should join the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) was passed in a Referendum last year, the Executive Committee represents HKUSTSU to participate in HKFS's meetings as well. The fee of HKUSTSU membership fee of $100 every year thus includes the HKFS membership fee of $6 each person. The Executive Committee provides welfare for HKUSTSU's members such as Notebook Ownership Programme and Welfare Express. Its standing committees are responsible for coordination and
handling of internal and external affairs.


振翅文學創作比賽  比賽章程

徵稿時間:914 – 114


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       We have distributed “WINGS - Freshmen’s Edition” during the Registration Days. If you are interested in the publication or have not taken any copy, please read the online version: http://issuu.com/hkustsu_eb/docs/final.

