Disputes in the
Referendum regarding "Campus TV"
上年春季學期,僅僅四個月,科大已經熱鬧非常。先有學生事務處(SAO)越權管理學生選舉活動;再有仲裁委員會常設化修憲;接着有同學自組學生事務關注小組,發起聯署及公開論壇,爭取實現「校園共治」。不過,要數歷時最長的,可謂「校園電視公投風波」。科大學生會,一直維持四權分立原則,轄下有約一百個屬會,享高度自治,成就科大多元學生活動。傳媒方面,則有四大架構之一的「編委會」(即本報負責機關)及一屬會「科大電台」。今年五月,有基本會員SUN Kai Man James(下稱孫氏),蒐集超過一百八十名基本會員的聯署,連同長達十三頁的學生會憲章修訂條文,提交幹事會,發動公投,要求成立「校園電視」,並將之列為第五大架構。不過,由於投票票數僅343,不足會員人數18%(即1395 人),修憲議案最終不獲通過。然而,本會估計「校園電視」可能於不久的將來捲土重來,故特別製作此特輯,希望有助各位了解此事的來龍去脈。
UST was already in hustle
and bustle within Spring Term last academic year, lasting for only 4 months,
experiencing the act of Student Affairs Office (SAO) in excess of terms of
reference to regulate student elections first, the amendment of the SU
Constitution about building the permanency of the Court then, and the joint signature
declaration and the open forum fighting for “co-governance in campus” originated
by Students’ Affairs Concern Group formed by students on their own afterwards.
The disputes in the Referendum regarding “Campus TV”, however, lasted for the
longest period. HKUSTSU, remaining the principle of four separate powers, and
its affiliate societies with a high degree of authority, about 100 in total,
have contributed to diverse student activities. UST’s media include the
Editorial Board (i.e. the body in charge of this Freshman Edition), one of the
four bodies of the SU, and People's Campus Radio, an affiliate society. In May
this year, a Full Member Sun Kai Man James (stated as Sun hereinafter) proposed
a written requisition signed by not less than 180 Full Members with the
proposed amendment of the SU Constitution of 13 pages, calling for a Referendum
for establishment of “Campus TV” and listing it as the SU’s fifth body, and
submitted it to the Executive Committee. Yet, since only 343 votes were casted,
less than 18% of the total Full Membership of the Union (1395 persons), the
resolution was not carried. However, it is expected that a comeback of “Campus
TV” will be made soon possibly. This article is thus written especially for you
to understand the event’s development.
方案蘊釀期間,提案人於Facebook 及Atrium 派發過不同的宣傳刊物。本會旨在就提案人士的宣傳刊物,特別是份量最重的小冊子,逐字破謬,我們亦會以香港大學校園電視作參照。小冊子可算是精彩絕倫,當中包含校園電視台之介紹,論述科大為何需要校園電視,還附有修憲內容,中英對照,圖文並荗,如付諸實行,規模有如成立一個香港免費電視臺,免費電視臺為市民望之心切,這使編委非報道不可。可惜的是當大家興高采烈地期待校園電視時,提案人SUN Kai Man James 卻向本會幹事表示他們只志於修憲成立校園電視架構,不一定擔任校園電視幹事,故宣傳品介紹校園電視臺眾多特點及功能,有顯突兀,不曉得有否其他目的。
During the incubation of
the motion, the proposer distributed a variety of promotion publications on
Facebook and at Atrium. The fallacies would be refuted word by word based on
the promotion publications of the proposer, especially the leaflet which has
the greatest quantity, with reference to Campus TV, HKUSU. The leaflet is so
fantastic that it includes the introduction to Campus TV, the arguments about why
UST needs a campus television, and the proposed amendment of the Constitution,
in both Chinese and English and with both words and pictures. If all is floated
that the scale is like a free television’s in Hong Kong, the Editorial Board
must report it as our citizens have longed for a free television. It is a pity
that when everyone hopes for a campus television in great delight, the proposer
SUN Kai Man James claimed that they were only devoted to the establishment of
the campus television body but they might not hold the posts of its executive
committee members. It is thus abrupt that the promotion materials introduced many
characteristics and functions of the campus television and it is unknown if
there are other objectives.
小冊子中有關「我們的承擔與抱負」一章,羅列比亞洲電視更要多的影音服務,新聞臺記錄臺吹水臺,時事追擊校花校草人物檔案,節目多得就算要重播也多采多姿。放送渠道亦頗為驚人,3D 眼鏡、內聯網廣播,甚至自設電視頻道及手提電視流動站,還有自家影音房,令筆者最為動心就是播放歐聯賽事,雖則筆者正考慮申請有線電視,再者學生宿舍已設有線電視以供直播歐聯賽事,但假若能透過校園電視觀賞歐聯賽事,配上3D 眼鏡,除免費外,不但不用收聽有線評述員,更不必為日後終止有線服務而煩惱,實為一大功績。
The chapter “Our Responsibilities
and Ambition” in the leaflet showed audio-video services, more than ATV’s, such
as News Channel, Record Channel, Chit-Chat Channel, News Magazine, and Campus
Belle and Campus Hunk Profiles. There were so many programmes that it would be
so amazing even though they would be reviewed. Suggested ways to broadcast were
also quite astounding, including 3D glasses, Intranet broadcast, own-set
channels, mobile TV broadcast sites and an audio-video room of their own. The
broadcast of UEFA Champions League matches would be the most attractive
service. One of the writers was considering about applying for Cable TV
(notorious for its unfriendly attitude) and live broadcast by Cable TV has been
already provided in halls. However, it would be an achievement if we could wear
3D glasses watching the matches through Campus TV without price, commentary on
Cable TV and trouble caused by terminating the service provided by Cable TV.
We can briefly say that the
production as such is nearly practicable for a team of twenty-something members
in the University.
Let’s not discuss whether
Campus TV should be included as SU’s fifth body first. With integration of the
proposer’s viewpoints, it was said that the establishment of Campus TV was due
to the need of recording, reporting, supervision and broadcast, but in the
existing system the first three needs have been fulfilled and improvement regarding
mistakes, if any, could be made. For instance, to let students gain information
about meetings of the Council, the Editorial Board has already sufficient
written reports. The minutes done by the Secretary of the Council in the
existing system could also be referred for a complete review. If one would like
a live broadcast or audio-video review, he or she might request the Council to
buy a digital recorder. The Council provided online live broadcast of the
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) last year and the SU Election Forum this
year too, so there will be no technological misgivings. Councilors and the
Editorial Board (with 2 ex-officio seats) would supervise the Secretary to
prevent any worries about malpractice of the Secretary. Relevant administrative
articles could be set up further. In case students think that literal reports
are not enough to satisfy their demands fully, they may suggest amendments of
the Constitution about setting up “Audio-Video Division of Editorial Board” for
video reports, just like Next Media Animation whose content is mostly from
Apple Daily. In addition, it is said that People's Campus Radio has been
planning for audio-video development, which overlaps Campus TV's
"programmes". If the proposer had wished to let Campus TV establish,
he would have been possible to gain support from students by listing its
exclusive duties, which other sub-organizations of the SU could not fulfill
concurrently. For instance, the Council is to supervise other sub-organizations
and approve the finance with involvement of Popularly Elected Office Bearers
while the Executive Committee could not do the above concurrently.
小冊子外,提案者亦曾於Facebook 發表文章「從《科大記錄》到《檔案法》:記錄歷史責任屬誰?」文中直斥編委會及幹事會管理檔案不善,自稱「科大記錄」能夠稱得上為編委及幹事會這方面之榜樣,並強調需要有人記錄歷史,甚至以檔案法作為例子支持其論點。然而,當中實有偷換概念及邏輯謬誤之嫌。誠然,即使編委會有能力管理自家出版的刊物作內部參考,並不等如編委會需要為同學提供查閱服務,不時借出內部使用文件予會員。就如文中談及,來自五湖四海的檔案應由同一部門集中管理,例如圖書館,把檔案整理到一資料庫中供人查閱。此外,《檔案法》中「檔案」泛指官方紀實文件,例如會議紀錄、文宣海報等,但以《檔案法》引申至科大需要有影視部門為同學拍下集體回憶,例如學會宣傳期的狀況、校園事情剪輯,就犯了不相干及偷換概念的邏輯謬誤。
The proposer’s side posted
an article called “From ‘UST Records’ to ‘Document Law’: Who are Responsible to
Record the History?” on Facebook as well. The article criticized directly that
the Editorial Board and the Executive Committee managed the documents
improperly, claimed that “UST Records” could be their example in this aspect,
and emphasized that someone would be needed to record the history. In the article,
“Document Law” was even cited as an example to support the viewpoints.
Nevertheless, a straw man argument and a logical fallacy might be involved.
Even the Editorial Board can manage its own publications for internal reference,
it does not need to provide consultation service and lend members the documents
for internal use all the time. As mentioned in the article, documents from
various sources should be managed by the same organization, such as Library,
and grouped into a database for users’ reference. In addition, the word “document”
in “Document Law”, in general, refers to official records of actual events like
minutes, posters, etc. But “Document Law” was extended to support that UST
needs an audio-video department to record collective memories for students, such
as Promotion Period and clips about campus affairs, leading to a logical
fallacy of irrelevance and a straw man argument.
將校園電視定為第五大架構 Setting Campus TV as the Fifth Body
The Referendum meant to
establish Campus TV and also set it as the fifth body of the Union, listing
with the existing Executive Committee, Council, Court and Editorial Board. The
proposer’s side thought: that there were shortcomings in the operation of the
current four powers and setting Campus TV as a SU’s body could improve the
operation; that, financially speaking, the operation capital of Campus TV would
be more abundant so that it would alleviate its financial burden and even avoid
a financial crisis then; and that a medium could supervise and have a greater
effect if it becomes a SU’s body.
Here, let’s analyze and
discuss the above points one by one:
First, if Campus TV is set
as the fifth body only because the operation of the four powers is not perfect
enough, then there may be cycle between “the imperfection of the operation of
the bodies” and “setting another body”. Once such a precedent is set, other
organizations can use this as an excuse for circular reasoning as if they use
the problem to explain the problem per se to set the sixth, seventh … body.
Furthermore, if it is put into practice, the bodies will be redundant and the efficiency
would be lowered.
Second, there should be –
and now there has been, despite the means of reporting – at least one
public-owned organization to publish and notice students about information
about the University and the SU. Campus TV would seem to have no other features
if it only has the above duties after its establishment.
Third, mass media can be
divided into the public-owned and the private-owned, responsible for the public
and the investors respectively. Similarly, mass media in the University may not
have to be accountable to the whole university. It could be like People's
Campus Radio (stated as the Radio hereinafter) that it is an affiliate society
accountable to its own members while allowing others to listen to their
四、若單為資金更充裕而改動憲章,發動公投,實在說不過去。公共資源事關公共利益和學生會整體長遠運作,需要運用得宜,用得其所。按照提案方財政預算,若然「校園電視」成為第五大架構,預計需增加約30% 學生會費,方可維持其正常運作。再者,評議會認為項目乃用得其所,才會批准予之撥款。因此,即使列入架構,評議會亦未必時時通過撥款,因而令校園電視資金充裕。提案方此說未免一廂情願,過於樂觀。
Fourth, it is unreasonable if
the Referendum had been called for to amend the Constitution only because of
more capital. Public resources determine public interests and the whole,
long-term operation of the Union and thus they should be used properly.
According to the budget of the proposer’s side, if “Campus TV” had become the
fifth body, it would be estimated that an increase in 30% of the SU fee is
required to maintain its operation. Furthermore, the budget would be approved
only when the Council thinks that the item is worth spending. Therefore, even
if “Campus TV” had become a body, the Council would not always agree to grant
the funding to make its operation capital abundant. The claim of the proposer’s
side may be a wishful thought that was too optimistic.
Fifth, it is not a must to
be a body of the SU to monitor. For instance, the Executive Committee has no
power to control the editing of campus media with administrative measures, so
campus media could exert their power to monitor the Executive Committee’s
performance. Affiliate societies enjoy autonomy and can appeal to the Court in
case they face any suppression. The Council controls the finance of the bodies
but not affiliate societies. Also, SU Full Members can interrogate the administration
of the bodies and consider about calling for a Referendum to remove the SU of the
particular Union session or relevant Office Bearers from office if they think any
Office Bearer of any SU body has committed misconduct. The public can be
observers in meetings of the Council.
In short, the bodies and
affiliate societies differ in SU resources, rights, accountability to the whole
university, etc. The greater the ability and rights are, the greater the responsibilities
are. Campus TV must state its duties and functions and explain why it must be
the fifth body first in order to become one of the bodies. It can be observed
that supervising the four bodies is an unconvincing reason for the proposer’s
side. The conditions to be the fifth body, i.e. the advantages overwhelming
other student organizations to become the fifth body, should be considered
應否以公投方式成立 Whether it should be Established by a
The disputes caused by the
Referendum did not only focus on the content of the proposal but also the
Referendum per se. The proposer’s side chose to call for the Referendum, i.e.
to amend the Constitution by the Referendum to establish Campus TV and list it
as the fifth body. However, it is not the only choice while the Referendum has
the following problems:
就十三頁修訂內容而言,當中每字每句之所以不應輕視,乃因為只要字裡行間出現任何一個文法錯誤,都足以被仲裁委員會推翻。而且,按學生會憲章第5.1條,公投一旦通過,即具有至上權威(Ultimate authority),只有後續公投才可推翻該次結果,否則無法將之修改。萬一修訂有任何錯漏,處理不慎,且通過之,後果堪虞。
Regarding the amendment of
13 pages, its every single word and sentence should not be ignored, because the
entire amendment may be provoked by the Court once there is any grammatical
mistake. Also, according to Article 5.1 in the SU Constitution, once a
resolution is passed by a Referendum, it possesses the ultimate authority. Such
resolution passed can only be revoked by a subsequent Referendum. In case the
amendment with any mistake or omission is improperly handled and passed, the
consequences would be severe.
Overall, it only takes one,
after thinking a bit more, to understand that the Referendum was actually with
binding, not only the binding between the directions of two issues in the
Referendum, but also that between the directions and details of each issue.
Discuss the former first.
Obviously, as mentioned, the Referendum was based on the proposal of amendment
of the Constitution by the proposer’s side, which main idea was to establish
Campus TV and list it as the fifth body. The proposer’s side brought about the
two issues together. But the problem is that there is no certain correlation
between whether one supports Campus TV and whether Campus TV becomes the fifth
body, let alone cause-and-effect relationship. To support Campus TV does not
stand for agreeing that it should be the fifth body. The two needs
distinguishing but should not be mixed up or even bound. Speaking of this act,
one should vote separately regarding the two issues i.e. whether Campus TV
shall be established and whether it shall become the fifth body, while binding
should not exist in a Referendum.
Then the latter. Even
though one agrees with the directions and essential points of both issues, he
or she may not entirely agree with the proposed amendment of the Constitution
in the Referendum. The amendment was of 13 pages. To pass, one has to agree
with every single word and sentence describing the details in those 13 pages
but could not compromise even he or she does not agree entirely. The Referendum
became a zero-sum game: all or nothing.
Also, as Sun said, the
amendment of the Constitution was intended for only the structure of the SU.
Imperfect, the proposed amendment still stated the construction and duties. The
proposer’s side had no other actions though. As they did not make up a list of
the executive committee members, nobody would have been the executive committee
members if the proposed “Campus TV” had been established, let alone those in
the next Union session. In its promotion materials the proposer’s side
mentioned its future guiding principles but not a year plan with exact time.
It is mentioned above that
to achieve the aim of the proposer’s side, amendment of the Constitution in the
Referendum to set up Campus TV and list it as the fifth body is not the only
way. Here some other plans are shown for you to compare the pros and cons.
方案一:大會(General Meeting)修憲。這種方式顯得更有彈性,提供足夠討論空間,亦可予會眾向提案人公開對質的時間;既容許修訂,又可以任命同學上莊,組成幹事。不久前的仲裁委員會常規化,正是經過大會修憲。
Plan A: propose amendments
of the Constitution in a General Meeting (GM). This plan is more flexible as
room for discussion and time for audience to consult the proposer are provided.
Not only can it allow amendments of the Constitution, but also nominate
students to be the executive members. The building of the permanency of the
Court was fulfilled by the amendment of the SU Constitution in the GM not a
long time ago.
Plan B: set up Campus TV as
an affiliate society and then decide whether it is necessary to become the
fifth body after some time. The aforementioned Radio can be of reference.
Plan C: set up Campus TV as
an independent organization not affiliated with the SU, the status of which is
then determined by Referendum, GMs, etc. For instance, although USTProgress
aims to be an affiliate society and does not intend to become a SU’s body, it
is worth following that USTProgress has organized activities to show its
position, step by step with its clear aims.
檢討 Reflections
As the proposer, not an
executive committee member of any student organizations, lacked experience and
materials, it was not easy for him to call for a Referendum with his several
peers in such a short time. His preeminent willpower was worth increased
respect. However, speaking fairly, the Referendum had many points to improve
and reflect. One may learn from the experience no matter he or she is the initiator
of the following Referendum or the executive committee members of other student
1. 公眾諮詢不足 Insufficient Consultation
The “Campus TV” during
proposing held only one open “meeting of consultation and recruitment of executive
committee members” on 15th April. As the poster listed “Responsibilities
and Ambition”, it was shown that the meeting was not to invite those interested
to discuss and decide the directions and duties of an ideal “Campus TV”.
Instead, the proposer set frameworks and aims in the beginning already and
would like to recruit those who agreed with his ideas. Although it was not
ideal, it still allowed discussion with the public. Still, a lot of students showed
reservation towards Sun’s plan with arguments in that “meeting”. Also, the
proposer’s side proposed an amendment of the Constitution of 13 pages and
called for a Referendum regarding that within half a month, which was
insufficient. Although whether it was sufficient or not depends on people’s
minds, but the requirements for establishing an affiliate society and even
those of becoming an executive committee should be referred. Generally, there
are more than 20 members in each executive committee accountable to all members
in UST. With the operation pattern running for a long time as their reference,
the executive committee members still needed about three weeks for promotion
including two election forums for the public of totally 14 hours. A GM was held
for members to consult to learn about the policies further. The Ex-Chairperson
of the Council, executive committee members of the Radio and other members stated
their worries about the “Campus TV” plan, but the proposer called for a
Referendum without responses, making one feel as if consultation was
2. 主見過強 Sticking to Their Opinion
The proposer talked to the
Office Bearers of every SU’s body and Councilors, asking all the bodies about
opinions. They coincidently stated the above shortcomings for several times,
including the position of “Campus TV”, the way of the Referendum, etc., making
no effort at all that the proposer still repeatedly said that he did not
understand the worries, though. A Councilor met the proposer’s side for several
times within a week to explain relevant problems from various perspectives, while
the proposer’s responded with the same answer, no matter what the question was,
and reaffirmed that Campus TV must be nothing but a body. Other executive
committee members and Councilors had similar problems, feeling that “consultation”
could not do much.
3. 宣傳失焦 Out-of-focus Promotion
As mentioned in last
paragraph, the proposer did have difficulties in promotion without enough
manpower and materials, but persuasion should not be limited to the cost. But
the persuasion, out of focus, could not be specific to and answer the questions
raised by those who questioned: why “Campus TV” needed to be the fifth body
was seldom explained; why a Referendum was used to establish “Campus TV” was
not answered. The materials only promoted the programmes after the
establishment of “Campus TV” and focused on the advantages, ignoring the most
basic and the most fatal point – the proposer’s side, as they explained, only
called for the amendment but did not fulfill duties of executive committee
members. Voters might think that they could enjoy programmes as many as mentioned
in the leaflet, while the proposer’s side needed not bear any responsibility.
Not only did the out-of-focus promotion fail to solve the disputes in the
Referendum, but also probably raise greater problems.
4. 不當方式收集簽名 An Improper Way to Collect Signatures
The amendment was 13 pages
long. Extra pages were provided for Full members to sign. The ones who
collected signatures should have told the cosigners the property of the document
while the signers should have also known its property before signing indeed,
but some did not explain the use clearly. A Full Member said that a collector
only asked if he supported Campus TV, not knowing that document was the cosignatory
document for a Referendum but not simply a general document for petitions. He
did not even know that it would be related to any amendment of the
5. 公投日佈置違規 Illegal Decorations on the Days of the Referendum
It is understood that the
proposer’s side needed to promote the Referendum, without rights of executive committee
members of societies, could not book for promotion locations and thus used
expedients. But the proposer’s side defied usual practice that they held a
banner about the Referendum at places which need booking, stuck super-size
paper on the floor, and even held an irrelevant French national flag. Our
members stated to Sun, the proposer, that they were illegal decorations and if
would have been hard to handle once other affiliate societies had followed. Sun
claimed that he would clear all these only when the University staff stopped
him. At last, the University received complaints. Its staff was especially
sensitive to the flag and asked his intention for several times. “Some French
admired me quite much, so they just gave me a French national flag.” said Sun.
6. 文宣傳意能力 Communicability of the Promotion Materials
It could improve.
結語 Conclusion
Dreams are never far away.
Something wrong always exists in details, though. “The sky’s the limit.” We
hope that if you freshmen are determined to establish a campus television, be
brave to fly high. Meanwhile, refer to the previous experience, manage to think
more and do more, and make the dream come true.
- 這不是妄想逼害症,這是超夢夢之反擊﹗
正如“六四” 的是記實片段,而不是官腔文字。
正如“春哥”“雞姐” “迫爆神”,我們要有圖有真相,有片金像獎。
正如立法會看 “長毛”“毓民”,激動啟示衡擊民意來自影音傳媒。
學生代表的無能 為力,讓我們自己發聲﹗
大學的乾燥 冷感,讓我們自己打破常規,開啟新時代﹗
某年某月某日,我在Atrium 大電視看到女神的熟悉面孔,在Canteen 收到BBC 英女皇的News、在商學院看文藝片、在LC 與環球學生相知、在24 小的節目時便利店收看王維基、在手機追擊President 的外遇、在Hall 拍攝玻璃之城、在動新聞又見蘋果抄我橋……
走在最前,不是亞洲第 而是開心快樂足矣。
Campus TV,由你渣機﹗
Television, you direct your
Referendum, on May 15th,
Now is the time!