
 For whom is interested in English version, we are here to provide some articles of Freshmen's Edition about school policy.

HKUSTSU Structure

The Council

The legislature of HKUSTSU, it has the following main duties: to pass any rules or regulations in order to supervise and advice on all sub-organizations of HKUSTSU; to consider and approve the Master Budget of HKUSTSU and applications for affiliation to HKUSTSU; and to interpret the Constitution of HKUSTSU. There are 34 ex-officio seats taken by representatives of each (sub-organization i.e. each) HKUSTSU’s body and affiliated society in the Council, in which at most eight Popularly Elected Councilors are also included to reflect students' opinions. Its five standing
committees, each consisting of its members, i.e. the Affiliated Societies Committee, the Constitution Committee, Election Committee, the Finance Committee and the Council Administration Committee coordinate and handle the relevant affairs.

The Executive Committee

The administrative body of HKUSTSU, it has the following main duties: to handle all routine of HKUSTSU and to represent HKUSTSU externally. As the motion that HKUSTSU should join the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) was passed in a Referendum last year, the Executive Committee represents HKUSTSU to participate in HKFS's meetings as well. The fee of HKUSTSU membership fee of $100 every year thus includes the HKFS membership fee of $6 each person. The Executive Committee provides welfare for HKUSTSU's members such as Notebook Ownership Programme and Welfare Express. Its standing committees are responsible for coordination and
handling of internal and external affairs.

The Court

The judiciary body of HKUSTSU, it has the following main duties: to settle disputes within HKUSTSU; to interpret the Constitution; and to impose penalties on members or sub-organizations of HKUSTSU in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of HKUSTSU. An impermanent body established only when in need in the past, it has become permanent consisting of the Chief Justice, Judges, Registered Jurors, Court Secretaries, etc. since the amendment to the Constitution of HKUSTSU made by a resolution in the Annual General Meeting this year. The selection means
of the members of the Court is mainly recommendation, not by elections like that of the other three bodies’.

The Editorial Board

The Editorial Board, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’Union, one of the four bodies of the Union, is in charge of the publication of HKUSTSU’s Official Publication “WINGS”, which includes “WINGS - High Fly Post” and “WINGS Extra Edition”. Beginning publication in December, 1991, it was established earlier than HKUSTSU as “WINGS Editorial Board” formerly. Our functions are to promote the objects of HKUSTSU and to protect the free expressions of opinion by students of the University. We strive for advancement of humanistic spirit in UST and promotion of the atmosphere of political involvement of students.

As a campus media, we do our utmost to report campus news with analysis to reveal problems so as to act as your eyes, enhance the transparency of campus news and the affairs of the Students’ Union, and defend the students’ right to know.
Meanwhile, we bear our social responsibility in mind to follow up current affairs. We complement mass media with deep analysis and comparison of arguments and viewpoints of various parties to raise the understanding of students.

Insisting that we should not only focus on campus and current affairs, we take the lead to promote literature and art in UST as well. "WINGS", in which poems and book reviews would be published, would also introduce ubiquitous kinds of art, exposing literature and art to students in their lives. It is understandable that readers can hardly identify themselves with articles even though they contain thousands of words, so we devote to the organization of various functions to accomplish the
missions of the Editorial Board as well.

We would not always stay neutral but strive for independence. We have held clearcut stands towards major issues. For instance, we strive for universal suffrage in Hong Kong for both the Chief Executive and Legislative Council without Functional constituencies; we call CCP to account for the massacre in the June 4th Incident; we oppose the legislation of Basic Law Article 23; we support equal rights for

Literature and art, campus news, current affairs, social issues, food reviews, film reviews, design, typesetting…We do all, we are all. For details of our duties, feel free to come to our counter, opposite to the escalators in the center of Hong Kong Jockey Club's Atrium, on 12th to 14th, or visit these webpages with our other publications uploaded: http://eb-ust.blogspot.hk or http://www.facebook.com/hkusteb.

Affiliated Societies

In addition to the four bodies of HKUSTSU, there are now about 100 affiliated societies in UST. They can be divided into five categories, namely House Associations, School Students’ Unions, Departmental Societies, Sports Association (SA) and Independent Clubs and Association (ICA).

The societies would, in general, provide various functions like Mentorship Program and Annual Dinner for their members while distributing publications and gift packs to them regularly. Their members own the right to vote in General Meetings and on Polling Days of the societies and can join the functions with a favorable price.

Hall residents are the main targets to serve of House Associations, which foster the communication among their own hall residents through various activities, fight for rights and interests for the residents, and run the tuck shops/refreshment bars/food stalls in halls.

Every School Students' Union and Departmental Society represents all the students of the whole school and those of the whole department namely to fight for rights and interests for their respective students and boost communication among them.

SA would hold regular trainings in the campus in order to promote relevant sports. University sport team members are often selected within SA.

Those independent affiliated societies which could not be put under the four categories mentioned above would be generally called ICA, as implied in the name. Currently most affiliated societies, mostly hobby groups, belong to it. They promote relevant hobbies through functions and provide a platform for people with the same hobbies to exchange their relevant ideas.

In general, no restriction is for joining Affiliated Societies. Students are free to join any society they feel interested even though they may not belong to certain departments. Students in Science majors, for example, are welcome to join the Departmental Societies related to Business. But School Students' Unions are generally only open to the students of respective schools. Students may join their own School Students' Union.

商學院大樓 開學前到此一遊
A Preview of Lee Shau Kee Business Building

Lee Shau Kee Business Building will be put in use next academic year to afford the number of the 4-year-system cohort and alleviate the lack of space in Academic Building, becoming the place Business students pass every day. As it is important, we will be the first to introduce this new Building.


Lee Shau Kee Campus, comprising Lee Shau Kee Business Building, the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) and the IAS Residences, is located at the top of our Clear Water Bay campus and near South Gate. It was first scheduled for completion at the end of 2011, but the schedule was then delayed to the second season in 2012 and the end of that year respectively. The Campus will begin to be in service in the coming academic year starting from this autumn finally.


We paid a visit to Lee Shau Kee Business Building (the Building). Most construction was finished except the canteen on the ground floor and a few classrooms. Some professors gave their lectures there already. The Building consists of seven floors with 180 offices, 4 lecture halls and halls. On the ground floor to the second floor there is the canteen, classrooms for undergraduates, lecture halls, laboratories and so on. The third floor is for postgraduates taking master degree programs. Offices of departments and professors are located on the fourth to sixth floors while Dean’s office on the top floor.


Besides the abovementioned basic facilities, many new facilities are set up in the Building, such as study rooms, common rooms, “charging areas” and outdoor sitting-our areas. In terms of the planning and uses of each floor, the Building, the construction of which has not completed yet, does have some amazing parts, but also room for improvement.


Dean’s Office
Offfices of departments and professors
Exclusively for EMBA
Exclusively for MBA
Exclusively for BBA
Canteen exclusively for BBA

出色之處 Advantages
1. 環境舒適優美 A comfortable and graceful environment
Rugs are laid on most of the parts in the Building, minimizing the noise made when walking. The broad corridors and cool air-conditioning make people feel as if they were in a hotel.

另外,大樓也有不少富現代感的外觀和室內設計。當中加入大量玻璃設計及特大窗戶,以增加空間感及採光度,風格與Academic Building 實用性為主的設計大相逕庭。

In addition, many modern appearance and indoor design is adopted. A wide variety of design with glass and outsize windows are added to raise the sense of space and degree of daylighting. Its style entirely differs from the practicality-based design of Academic Building.

Facilities from common rooms to back stairs designed with the utmost attention

2. 提供一個良好的學習環境 A good learning environment
以往在迷宮般的Academic BuildingProfessor/ Teacher Assistant,難免需要穿梭於不同電梯之間,對於一眾「路癡」來說絕非易事。現在,一眾「路癡」有福了!因ProfessorTA的辦公室就在大樓上層,每個學系佔一層,方便莘莘學子去請教。

It was not easy for the disorientated to shuttle between lifts to find professors or teacher assistants in Academic Building, which looks like a maze, but they are in luck now as the offices of professors and TAs are on the upper floors of the Building with a department each. It is convenient for students to consult.

而且,為配合同學溫習和討論Project的需要,大樓設有多個不同大小的研習室,那麼商學生就不必為找地方討論Project而商學院大樓、Academic Building兩邊走。還有,學校考慮到同學手提電腦的電量難以支撐一天上課的需要,在大樓每層都設有「充電區」方便同學隨時充電。

There are also a number of study rooms with different sizes for students’ needs for revision and discussion about projects, so that Business students don’t need to travel between the Building and Academic Building in order to seek places to discuss projects. Considering that the battery of students’ notebooks may not afford the study needs during a day, the University has established “charging areas” on every floor as well for students to charge anytime.



Several wide and beautiful outdoor sitting-out areas are provided for students to breathe fresh air during the tight schedule. Students can even have a nice view of UST on some outdoor platforms.


有待改善之處 Room for Improvement
1. 透明度不足 Insufficient transparency

The Building has been a mystery of UST students, because relevant information, from the site selection to the land use planning, has been concealed from us, the ultimate users. How could the University build a learning environment suiting Business students most with less consultation open to students?

首先是大樓和Academic Building的距離之遠,引致上課不準時的問題。這座雄偉建築雖說樓高八層,然而一看「水牌」,才發現四至七樓是不同學系的辦公室,二至三樓是EMBAMBA學生的,而就只有地下至一樓,才真真正正是為每級六百多個商學院學生而設的。如果大樓無法負荷所有學生的課堂,那麼只能有勞商科學生商學院大樓、Academic Building兩邊走。由於商學院大樓位於南閘旁,如若要從大樓的課室步行到Academic Building,起碼需時十分鐘。若是下課時人多擠迫,或Professor課堂超時,上連堂的學生便不能於十分鐘的轉堂時間內趕往下一堂課,遑論在下課後把握機會請Professor 解惑。不想每天在商學院大樓和Academic Building之間奔波,同學只好在編排時間表時把上課地點也列入考慮因素內。

The first problem is that the long distance between the Building and Academic Building would cause students to be late for lectures. The majestic Building consists of eight floors. However, the fourth to seventh floors are with offices and the second to third floors are for EMBA and MBA students, while only the ground floor to the first floor are for Business students with a number of over 600 each cohort. If the Building cannot hold lectures of all students, Business students will then have to shuttle back and forth between the Building and Academic Building. As the Building is beside South Gate, it takes at least 10 minutes to walk from the classrooms in Academic Building to Academic Building. If it is crowded at the end of lectures or professors give lectures overtime, students taking double lectures will not manage to within the 10 minutes, let alone grasping the chance to consult professors after lecture. Students will have to take lecture locations into consideration when planning their schedules if they don’t want to shuttle back and forth between the Building and Academic Building.


The other is about the canteen that a lot of students care about. We did not see any trace of the canteen during the visit. Fortunately, asked, the security guard told us that it would be located on a vacant area on the ground floor, but the construction has not started yet. The types and brands of the restaurants would probably be unknown until the day they open. “Eating comes first.” UST students have had a plenty of opinions towards on-campus catering suppliers. Planning to set up the new canteen, should the university also investigate students’ preferences and see it as a criterion of choosing new suppliers?

2. 使用率/ 設施安排 Utility rate/the arrangement of facilities

The utility rate of several floors in the Building is low. Many places make one feel that they are too wide. The place outside “charging areas” on every floor is especially vacuous. The University might put facilities like tables and chairs or vending machines there for adequate use of the space.


設施方面,大樓只有一個Lecture Theater,似乎未能滿足大班教學的需要。而在Lecture Theater,我們發現裏面居然有三個投影器屏幕。就我們在Lecture Theater上課的經驗所得,一個投影器屏幕能讓全場學生一目了然,設置三個未免多餘。

In terms of facilities, only one Lecture Theater seems not able to satisfy the needs for large-class teaching. We found that there were three screens in the Lecture Theater. With reference to our experience of having lectures in Lecture Theaters, one screen is enough for all students to see clearly and thoroughly, so having three may be redundant.



All in all, the Building is certainly a breakthrough in UST’s history, witnessing the progress of School of Business. Nevertheless, beautiful buildings are not only built to show off; practicality should also be valued to solve the problem of the increasing number of students under the new system and to provide a good learning environment for students.

