
【號外 Extra Edition of WINGS】痛心疾首 – 你們用心了嗎? Ex-co, we are DISAPPOINTED

Ex-co, we are DISAPPOINTED
Written by PULSE

作為學生組織,每一番言論都代表著全科大學生,為學生發聲。然而,近日常聽到的卻是「科大學生會不代表我」的發言,到底這個學生會發生甚麼事了?一切,源於本屆學生會幹事會透過Mass Mail就「六四事件」、「七一遊行」以及「地產霸權」所作出的不當言論,不僅令本會,亦令科大學生痛心疾首。

在幹事會就「六四事件」發出的Mass Mail中,以介紹史實及分析當前中國的民主問題重提「平反六四」仍是一場尚未成功的革命,其實是一個不錯的構思。然而,文末卻突兀地澄清自己的政治立場中立並與任何政治組織如支聯會等沒有關連,隨即給人畫蛇添足之感。既然只是針對「六四事件」發言,何必理會旁人有沒有聯想起任何政治組織?如今只是令人留下幹事會希望明哲保身的感覺而不是「政治中立」。這不禁令人質疑幹事會有沒有為學生會的立場、定位用心思考過。科大學生需要的,不是一個「中立」的學生會,而是一個有立場、有主見的學生會。




Dear colleagues,

In the past few months we have received three commentaries from HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee(Ex-co) which wrote on the topics of ‘June Fourth Incident’, ‘1 July March’ and ‘Property Hegemony’. Upon finishing their article, we are disappointed.

We are disappointed about their negligence of the real circumstance of the property hegemony in Hong Kong. A specific example does not help, they should know.

We are disappointed about their ambiguous stance on the issue of June 4th Incident. We do not want a Students’ Union being neutral on everything and it is a must to have a clear stance being a representative of students.

We are disappointed that they have drawn a narrow scope. We are not hoping someone to illustrate the whole picture of the issues, but at least a clear one.

We are always glad to see students voice their opinions and share their views with colleagues. However, as a representative of HKUST students according to the written constitution, Ex-co should by all means be conscious and conscientious when writing any publication. We urge Ex-co to realize its role as the representative and any single word from them can make a large difference on the impression on HKUST from the outside. If Ex-co keeps doing the same thing, it is foreseeable that it will just, again, bring negative impact on the reputation of HKUSTSU, and possibly to HKUST students.

We sincerely hope that Ex-co can learn from the flaws this time and take a leap in the future in order to give us, HKUST students, confidence and satisfaction.

On the other hand, we discovered there are accusations spreading on the Internet against ex-co that they have taken benefits from some interest groups to publish the commentaries. We hope students can discern between fact and rumour and not to accept any information with blind eyes.

PULSE, Editorial Board of the HKUSTSU the 19th session 2011 – 2012

